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Andaman Seaview Hotel
The Blue Marine Resort
Baan Karonburi Resort
Holiday Inn Resort
Rabbit Resort
Jomtien Palm Beach

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Your visitor's guide in Thailand

Activities in Thailand


   This is the perfect introduction to Thailand, the Buddhist faith, regal  splendor and tradition. Though no longer the royal residence, it remains,  the symbol of the kingdom. You'll visit the key attractions around the Grand  Palace including Wat Phra Kaew Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Royal  Pantheon, Coronation Throne Hall, Royal Reception Hall, and Royal  Funeral Hall.

   Visit The Grand Palace has an area of 218,400 sq. metres and is surrounded by walls built in 1782. The length of the four walls is 1,900 metres. Within these walls are situated government offices and the Chapel Royal of the Emerald Buddha besides the royal residences. Wat Phra Kaeo, the most beautiful and important Buddhist temple in Thailand. It is so richly and intricately decorated that, once entering the temple, you will feel as if you are in a real "city of angels". 

   The Grand Palace complex was established in 1782 and it houses not only the royal residence and throne halls, but also a number of government  offices as well as the renowned Temple of the Emerald Buddha.

   The Emerald Buddha is enshrined on a golden traditional Thai-style throne made of gilded-carved wood, known as a Busabok, in the ordination hall  of the royal monastery.



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