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Activities in Japan

   Kamakura Walking Tour 

   This tour takes travellers to the venerable city of  Kamakura and will introduce them to beautifully crafted temples and shrines, traditional gardens and the famous Great Buddha. Participants  take the Yokosuka Line train to Kamakura, then change to the charming Eno-den line to visit Hase Temple with its beautiful gardens. 

   The tour continues with a visit to the Great Buddha, lunch at a local  restaurant, a visit to the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shinto shrine, and a Yokosuka Line train back to Tokyo.

   The Great Buddha of Kamakura is a bronze statue of Amida  Buddha that is located on the grounds of the Kotokuin Temple. With a height of 13.35 meters, it is the second largest Buddha statue in Japan (the largest is located in the Todaiji Temple in Nara). 

   The statue was cast in 1252 and originally located inside a large  temple hall. However, the temple buildings were washed away by a tsunami tidal wave in the end of the 15th century, and since then the Buddha stands in the open air. 

   Kamakura is a coastal town in Kanagawa prefecture, less than one hour south of Tokyo. 

   Tour Departure: most Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 

   Minimum: five persons 


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